Well, it appears to be that time of month again! Thanks to Gracie of
Radiator Sessions for hosting this month's Petite Fashion Challenge!
Here's an excerpt of what this month's challenge entails:
Many times we settle with a style and rarely venture out to explore new ways to piece clothes and style outfits in new and different ways. With this month, I’m hoping for all of us to venture out of our comfort zones to expand our styling skills.
Thus, the challenge will be to take a “go-to” outfit, put a spin on it by styling it in a different way but still keeping a couple of essential components.
If changing up the your signature style is too great of a feat or if your closet just doesn’t quite allow it, you can keep within your signature style but tweak a few items to transform your outfit for a different occasion.
Sooo, first we have to define what my "go-to" outfit is. It can probably be summarized by this simple equation: Shirt + Cardigan + Belt + Skirt = Go-To Outfit. No brainer, eh? Naturally, that is what I put together for this challenge, with the major twist being......a jean skirt! *Gasp*
I know jean skirts are probably horribly out-of-style. This particular skirt has been sitting in my closet for years. I was *this* close to getting rid of it, but maybe I had a soft spot for it, with the hopes that it would eventually come back into style....maybe? I remember the way I would wear it years ago was with the jean skirt sitting on my hips. I hated how it would always inch up higher and higher, which is probably why I avoided it. Now, this time around, I just did the work for it by hiking it up, and....tucking a shirt into it! *Gasp* (Me and tucking in shirts don't go very far back!) So, in a sense, I'm pretending it's a high-waisted skirt.
Also, instead of a regular belt, I used a houndstooth-patterned scarf. (I had been itching to try something like that!)
Well, here's the typical cardigan with the outfit. But, I added a flower brooch to make it more interesting. Again, a first! (Read: I am bad at accessorizing. That is usually harder than putting together the actual outfit!)
Then I gotta involve one of my favorite purses in this! =P
Hmmm, it's actually pretty difficult to see the ruffles on the black shirt, but I assure you they're there.
Next thing you know, I'll be dusting out my khaki skirts! Anyway, thanks for stopping by! :)
Shirt - Thrifted
Cardigan - Thrifted
Scarf Belt - Thrifted
Jean Skirt - Ross
Pearl Necklace - Gifted
Flower Brooch - Dollar Store
Watch - Gifted
Purse - Marshalls
Shoes - Thrifted